Volunteer Vacancies Finally Completed: Let’s Meet at Bright Place

  We walk ahead in the Utopia as the silvery stream does by creating wonders along the way. We run about as the verses a visionary chants on a youthful morning. Being recruited as BIFF volunteers made the registrants feel like waking up from a drink. The recruitment notice entered their misty dreams as expected.

  We completed the last 9 vacancies after a strict comprehensive and assessment.

  They’ll join us in picking flowers in Beijing in April. Countless dreams have combined to form the ethos of the film community. Thanks to the film industry and the spring carnival of the BIFF, we became the real “us” in the end.

  We have a word to say with those who failed the recruitment. You might be in a strange place, yet we hope films will accompany your entire life and make you as happy as ever. Anyway, you’re welcome to the BIFF!