Yang Lina

Yang Lina, born in Jilin, China in 1972, started working on documentaries in 1996. She directed her first documentary Old Men in 1999, and the feature films Longing for the Rain and Spring Tide in 2013 and 2019 respectively. Together with the film Song of Spring, these three films constitute the "Women's Trilogy" series. Song of Spring tells the affectionate story of an 85-year-old mother taking sole care of her 65-year-old daughter who has Alzheimer’s disease. Through a delicate female perspective, the film penetrates the hearts of the two characters, showing two elderly women who have experienced life changes, their struggle and tolerance for fate, and their deep love and fulfillment of each other, constituting an exploration of the true meaning of love and life.


Song of Spring剧照

正在播放:北京市场行业对话——2019网络影视的机遇与挑战 X